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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description


1967 Australian Referendum Question

Referendum Day Western Australian Museum

The 1967 Australian referendum occurred on 27 May 1967 under the Holt government It contained three topics asked about in two questions regarding the passage of two bills to alter the. The referendum put the following question to the Australian people Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled An Act to alter the. Technically the referendum question was a vote on the Constitution Alteration Aboriginals Bill 1967 that would amend section 51 xxvi and repeal section 127. On 27 May 1967 a Federal referendum was held The first question referred to as the nexus question was an attempt to alter the balance of numbers in the Senate and the House of. The referendum question asked the public to vote on whether the number of members of the House of Representatives may be increased without necessarily increasing the..

The 1967 Australian referendum occurred on 27 May 1967 under the Holt government It contained three topics asked about in two questions regarding the passage of two bills to alter the. The referendum put the following question to the Australian people Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled An Act to alter the. Technically the referendum question was a vote on the Constitution Alteration Aboriginals Bill 1967 that would amend section 51 xxvi and repeal section 127. On 27 May 1967 a Federal referendum was held The first question referred to as the nexus question was an attempt to alter the balance of numbers in the Senate and the House of. The referendum question asked the public to vote on whether the number of members of the House of Representatives may be increased without necessarily increasing the..

1967 Referendum And The Nexus Clause Robert Menzies Institute

The 1967 Australian referendum occurred on 27 May 1967 under the Holt government It contained three topics asked about in two questions. The amendment deleted part of section 51 xxvi of the Constitution and repealed section 127. The referendum took place on the 21 May 1967 For a Constitutional change to take effect a referendum. Saturation of colour denotes strength of vote The first part of the 1967 Australian referendum to change the Constitution. Referendums are the only way that you can change the Australian Constitution The 1967 Referendum sought to change two sections of the Constitution in..

The 1967 Australian referendum occurred on 27 May 1967 under the Holt government It contained three topics asked about in two questions regarding the passage of two bills to alter the. The referendum put the following question to the Australian people Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled An Act to alter the. Technically the referendum question was a vote on the Constitution Alteration Aboriginals Bill 1967 that would amend section 51 xxvi and repeal section 127. On 27 May 1967 a Federal referendum was held The first question referred to as the nexus question was an attempt to alter the balance of numbers in the Senate and the House of. The referendum question asked the public to vote on whether the number of members of the House of Representatives may be increased without necessarily increasing the..
